Health, Fitness & Nutrition and Young People

Dealing with Addiction
Providing the facts about substance abuse, gambling, gaming & food addiction as well as how to help people recover from addiction.
- Age range: 12 years and upwards
- Category: Schools
- Last revised: 2021
- Pages: 83
- Illustrated throughout
Hard copy: £35.99 add to basket

Feed a Family on a Budget
This resource looks at how families can lower their food budget to help reduce household expenses during difficult times.
- Focus: Creating a food budget and tips on how to save money on groceries
- Category: General
- First published: 2023
- Pages: 19
- Illustrated throughout
Hard copy: £15.99 add to basket
Health, Fitness and Nutrition Lesson Plans

Healthy Eating
This lesson plan covers healthy eating, different food types and how to develop a healthy diet.
- Age range: 12 years and upwards
- Category: Lesson plan
- Last revised: 2021
- Pages: 15
- Duration: 55 mins – 1 hour
Hard copy: £10.99 add to basket

Problems with Alcohol
This lesson plan uses role play to examine some of the problems alcohol can cause among young people.
- Age range: 12 years and upwards
- Category: Lesson plan
- First published: 2022
- Pages: 18
- Duration: 1 hour
Hard copy: £10.99 add to basket

Introduction to Mental Health
This lesson plan introduces the subject of mental health and mental illness.
- Age range: 12 years and upwards
- Category: Lesson plan
- First published: 2022
- Pages: 15
- Duration: 55 mins – 1 hour
Hard copy: £10.99 add to basket

Generalised Anxiety Disorder
A lesson plan examining anxiety and generalised anxiety disorder — a more extreme form of anxiety.
- Age range: 12 years and upwards
- Category: Lesson plan
- First published: 2022
- Pages: 14
- Duration: 55 mins – 1 hour
Hard copy: £10.99 add to basket

Introduction to Depression
This lesson plan introduces depression and the way it affects us physically and mentally.
- Age range: 12 years and upwards
- Category: Lesson plan
- First published: 2022
- Pages: 14
- Duration: 55 mins – 1 hour
Hard copy: £10.99 add to basket

Introduction to Loneliness
An introduction to loneliness and the way it affects our physical and mental health.
- Age range: 12 years and upwards
- Category: Lesson plan
- First published: 2022
- Pages: 15
- Duration: 55 mins – 1 hour
Hard copy: £10.99 add to basket

Suicide Prevention
A lesson plan designed to promote suicide awareness and prevention.
- Age range: 12 years and upwards
- Category: Lesson plan
- First published: 2022
- Pages: 21
- Duration: 55 mins – 1 hour
Hard copy: £10.99 add to basket

Exam Stress
This lesson plan provides information and advice on dealing with exam stress.
- Age range: 12 years and upwards
- Category: Lesson plan
- First published: 2022
- Pages: 17
- Duration: 55 mins – 1 hour
Hard copy: £10.99 add to basket
Good nutrition and a healthy exercise routine are the building blocks for a strong body and mind. As a young person grows they need to develop a healthy attitude to food. Their diet should include a healthy mix of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. It’s also vital that they keep hydrated and the best option is always water.
When examining health and fitness we should not overlook the importance of a good night’s sleep. There is a strong link between sleep and academic progress. Sufficient sleep helps concentration and focus.