Depression and Young People

Teenage Depression — A Way Out
Tackles the issue of depression including causes and signs that parents and teachers can look out for.
- Age range: 12 years and upwards
- Category: Schools
- Last revised: 2022
- Pages: 87
- Illustrated throughout
Hard copy: £35.99 add to basket
Depression Lesson Plans

Introduction to Depression
This lesson plan introduces depression and the way it affects us physically and mentally.
- Age range: 12 years and upwards
- Category: Lesson plan
- First published: 2022
- Pages: 14
- Duration: 55 mins – 1 hour
Hard copy: £10.99 add to basket
Everyone feels low at some time during their life, but most people get better gradually and their sad mood fades. However, for some these feelings of depression linger and escalate. What are the signs of depression?
Symptoms of depression in young people include:
- Ongoing sad feelings
- Low self-esteem
- Worry
- Anxiety
- Anger and aggression
- Depressive mood
- Lack of energy
- Problems sleeping
- Guilt or remorse
Causes of depression can include:
- School bullying
- Conflicts at home
- Body chemistry
- Hormones
- Genetics
- Medication
- Diet
Depression can also follow a long illness, or it can stem from outside circumstances such as bereavement.
Teenage Depression
Worryingly, depression is on the increase among teenagers and young people. They need help overcoming depression before they develop severe depression symptoms which could then become a long-term problem in their lives.
All Resources provides resources to encourage openness and frank discussion on the delicate issues of depression. They contain information on dealing with depression and support for beating depression and the feelings of depression.