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Discrimination and Social Exclusion

Discrimination and social exclusion are two major social issues that affect countries across the globe. We live in a world of inequalities with many disadvantaged people who face discrimination throughout their lives. Discrimination and social exclusion also pose a major threat to the health and wellbeing of individuals.

Whilst many governments have policies in place to fight discrimination, it still continues.

What is Discrimination and Social Exclusion?

Discrimination often goes hand in hand with social exclusion, which shares many of the same traits. To be socially excluded means to be denied access to rights that other members of society enjoy. Discrimination is also a way of being denied rights based on ill-founded, ignorant and inaccurate information. People may be discriminated against and excluded based on gender, religion, race, age, sexual orientation and disability.

Types of Discrimination

Discrimination is often apparent in the workplace. Although there are laws that exist in various countries to protect against discrimination, it still occurs in many organisations. Individuals can be victimised on the grounds of their:

  • Race
  • Religion
  • Personal beliefs

Types of Social Exclusion

To be socially excluded means to be denied access to rights and opportunities that other members of society enjoy. Examples of social exclusion that affect many people are:

  • Unemployment or poorly paid jobs.
  • Poverty — people who are born into poverty are at a disadvantage in a number of ways.
  • Lack of decent housing.
  • Financial problems — children are more likely to struggle at school than children from more affluent households.

Disadvantaged People

People are disadvantaged in many ways for a variety of reasons. They may belong to a disadvantaged group that experience barriers other groups do not face such as:

  • Economic disadvantage — linked to being on a low income, or having no income at all through unemployment or redundancy.
  • Disability — Perhaps they are coping with a disability, whether physical or mental, which has affected opportunities offered to them.
  • Social disadvantage — A person may have weak social networks because they have little or no family or friends nearby, and they therefore feel cut-off and isolated.
  • Discrimination — They may be treated differently due to their culture, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or the language they speak.

Prejudice & Victimisation

Prejudice takes many forms and is based on preconceived ideas rather than truth or experience. It is a feeling of intense dislike and suspicion directed against a group or individual based on their beliefs or characteristics. There are many forms of prejudice such as racism, homophobia, classism, religious discrimination, ageism and sexism. Many individuals and groups are victimised on a daily basis simply because of their age, religion or the colour of their skin.

All Resources produces publications that investigate social issues and which strive to promote fairness and equality for all.